Fedrigoni 365.
When your days are numbered.

Fedrigoni 365 is an annual calendar, which takes the form of a book. Each year it asks selected UK-based creatives to contribute a piece of work, interpreting a number, date or even a given theme. I have been fortunate enough to have been selected for five of the editions.

—Print Design.

A personal project.

—27 May 2019

“If you do it right, it will last forever.” In memory of the late great Massimo Vignelli, who died on this day in 2014.

—20 September 2020

20 years on, still working.

—11, Reduce, 2021

—5 December 2022

‘All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.’ Walt Disney, born on this day in 1901.

—5 January 2023

A love affair between a city and a typeface.


No 1 Living.


Couch to Fitness.